Adam is doing so great and people always ask me what we are doing so I thought I would put it here. We have ABA at home and parent resources using a specific type of ABA called Pivital Response Treatment (PRT) for behavior support. They also have very good parent training and on line resources through a center in Santa Barbara, The Koegel Center (on the resources page). The remote learning/implementation plan is ideal for people in areas that are not attracting good ABA providers. The parent involvement part is made easy using PRT (and fun)!
As for School, Adam is in a school with a BCBA supported 1:1 ASL fluent shadow. ASL can be used as a bridge to spoken language for Autistic kids. Given he is deaf, Adam is responsive to that. He has great receptive language with his cochlear implants on and he uses ASL and verbal utterances to communicate. Given his dual diagnosis, this is a miracle that he can communicate (sometimes with vocalization). The ASL was key to his progress toward spoken language. ASL is the version of sign language that works with Autism using verbal behavior protocol (with or without perfect hearing). At school, he also has PT, OT, APE, and speech (all with ASL trained instructors and his ASL fluent interpreter).
As for supplements, we transitioned to Purium superfoods because of the pure and organic aspect and because it is farm to family (lowering cost). We use Doterra for essential oils because they are 100% therapeutic grade (can be used internally and externally) and can replace much of what was in our medicine cabinet. A link to each is on the bottom of the resources page.
Here is what we are doing: CF/GF Superfoods and Essential Oils for Adam (these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease):
1. Purium Apothe Cherry:
Contains natural (non synthetic) melatonin and is highly concentrated. Adam sleeps 9 hours a night on this (and so do I) :). This is good in water or in Coconut milk. We put an ounce in his Coconut milk with dinner. Apple cider with cinnamon (hot or cold) is great with it also.
2. Purium Ionic Elements:
Can help with detox during the day; we put 1 ml in his morning and afternoon beverage (see below). This is also been known to bind to heavy metals to pull them out. We do this instead of chelation for Adam.
3. Purium Immunomax: Extra immune support during cold and virus seasons
The website says it can help with gut issues and general immune support that is very common in Autism. This has Colostrum in it and all 7 ingredients for immune support. He was sick and he was better without his usual residual congestion that often lead to antibiotics to treat it in the past.
4. Doterra TerraZyme with DigestZen
This is can help digestion due to gut issues and a need for food digesion support. We give Adam Enzymes with all three meals daily for possible bloating, gas, or stomach acid.
5. Purium Power Shake with Rice Bran Solubles:
One scoop 2 times a day in water. This is especially good for kids with limited interest in a variety of foods. Go to the Purium website to learn the multiple benefits of this at the Farm to Family link at the bottom of our resources page ( or at
6. Purium ViruSure - Daily Immune Support
One capsule 2 times a day. Adam tested positive for the MMR virus, in response to the MMR vaccine that remains in the body along with other viruses common with Autism. This is an algae combination known to be effective for antiviral and anti-inflammatory support.
7. Purium 40X Aloe:
One teaspoon with his drink with dinner to help support sleep, digestion and healing the gut.
8. Purium Amino Acids - Absorbable aminno acids for body and neurology support.
Multiple benefits have been reported from Amino Acid therapy.
9. Bone Broth (easy to make or buy at a natural foods market): About 1/3 cup in the morning
Due to a high dose of Collagen, this has been known to assist in healing the gut and provide digestive system support. I did a Google search on this to discover the multiple benefits that are reported for adults and kids.
10. Doterra Lifelong Vitality Pack Supplements (GF/CF - comes in a 3 pack and you can add MitoMax, as desired):
Omega Complex - Omega Fatty Acids / Brain Food
MicroPLEX - Food Nutrient / Absorbable Dietary Support
Alpha CRS+ - Cellular Vitality Complex / Antioxidant and DNA protection)
Mito2 Max - Energy & Stamina
11. One tablespoon olive oil and coconut oil a day (see Power Up Your Brain by David Perlumutter, M.D., F.A.C.N. and Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.).
We cook Adam's breakfast in the coconut oil (it can take heat) and drizzle the olive oil over the cooked eggs and potatoes.
12. 2 Cups Epsom Salt and 1 Cup Baking Soda in baths with Essential Oils as needed (see Dr. Perlumutter's book noted above).
13. Doterra Spring Clean Gut Cleansing and Digestion System Reset Protocol:
Lemon Essential Oil naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion.
TerraZyme digestive enzymes to aid in digestion of food and absorption of nutrients.
Zendocrine Complex botanical blend to support liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin.
Zendocrine Softgels essential oils to support the body's natural ability to detoxify.
GX Assist to help cleanse and support the digestive system.
PB Assist with 6 billion CFUs of 6 different strains of probiotics (GF/Dairy/Soy/Shellfish/Tree Nut/Peanut/Egg Fee).
DDR Prime to support cellular health and renewal.
14. The Doterra link is on the resources page (essential oils and blends) describing the benefits of oils and how to use them.
We use:
Lavender and Melaluca help Adam's skin issues (we add Helichrysum and Frankincense for bad cuts and bites).
Frankincense may help neurology and other issues (The God Oil).
Chamomile and Sage may help with hormonal balance and relaxation (can get the Clary Calm blend - if want a roll on).
Breathe is a good blend that may help with congestion and allergies (we breathe it in from palms or diffuse in the air at night).
Adam likes Peppermint before school versus Breathe that may help respiratory support and alertness ( he breathes it in from my
palms and then I rub it on the top front of his shirt so he can breath it in during the day).
Lavender behind the neck before school for mood support.
In Tune blend - at home and school backpack for behaviors/emotional support.
Massage - we mix desired oil(s) with massage carrier oil (there is a Doterra Touch procedure also).
15. Essential oils and blends for daily hygiene and targeted solutions (natural alternatives we use):
On Guard - Toothpaste (non toxic!)
TriEase - Allergy Support
HD Clear - Acne and Blemishes
Terra Shield - Insect Repellant
Cillantro - Powerful Antioxidant/Heavy Metals
Slim & Sassy - Metabolic GI Support/Candida
DigestZen - Digestive Support / Neutralize Stomach Acid (tummy tamer - is in the Vitality Pack also)
On Guard - Immune Support
Oregano and Melaluca - Antiviral/Antibiotic Support (we use it when sick or feel a cold coming on)
Lemon in Water - Daily Detoxification, Lymphatic Cleansing Support
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.